Save on Call Out Charge when you order online in February!
You will save 50% on call out charge when you order windscreen online in February 2020!
All orders over R1500 will get FREE call out upto 40km driving distance from nearest store!
All you need to do is enter your address and call out charge is worked out automatically.
T & C:
1/ This offer only applies to orders places and paid online;
2/ This offer only valid to the areas where mobile fitment is provided, for a full list please visit;
3/ The order value of R1500 is based on windscreen value exclude any other charge;
4/ Free call out on order over R1500 is to a maximum driving distance of 40km from the nearest store using Google map on fastest route;
5/ BSG SA reserves all rights related to this offer.
Hi need a winscreen on a 2013 v w polo 6
Hi can I please get a price on a Volvo s40 windshield